Maritime Security Courses
SecureScot Ltd deliver fully accredited ISPS training in Scotland and elsewhere.
The courses offered are:
- SSO Ship Security Officer (MCA and LISCR accredited) Online training available
- PDSD Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (MCA and LISCR accredited)
- CSO Company Security Officer (MCA accredited) Online training available
- PFSO Port Facility Security Officer (UK Dept for Transport, accredited) Online training available
- NEW: PFSO Refresher Required for PFSO’s certified over 5 years ago
- SSO/CSO/PFSO Combined (accredited as above)
- ISPS Awareness for Port Personnel
- Dealing with Aggressive Passengers/ Conflict Management

Recent feedback: “Very good course; Instructor passionate about subject, very knowledgeable and actively engaging.” JD.
“SecureScot deliver a world class course, I learned a lot.” MCA Auditor.
For more information on our courses and services please give us a call on
+44(0)7748 907 840 or use our
online enquiry form.